Guidelines for Authors

Guidelines for Authors

Anandam Journal of Anundoram Borooah Institute of Language, Art and Culture, Assam is a UGC CARE listed, peer reviewed research journal published annually by Anundoram Borooah Institute of Language, Art and Culture, Assam. Research articles and papers containing the original works of the author are published in the Journal. The main thrust of the journal includes but not limited to the following areas:

1) Indology and Sanskrit Studies

2) Language and Linguistics

3) Folklore and Oral Traditions

4) Music, Art and Culture

5) Literature and Translation

Papers sent for publication should maintain the following specifications

(1) The paper should be written within 5000 words in English

(2) It should be typed in Times New Roman 12-point font with double space with 3 cm margin on all sides in A4 size.

(3) The photographs or drawings should be in jpg format with captions.

(4) The end notes and the references should be in APA style.

(5) An abstract and key words of the paper not exceeding 150 words should be placed at the

beginning followed by the paper

(6) The paper should include a profile of the author in 150 words at the end. The papers should also comprise of a postal address of the author.

(7) For papers containing diacritical marks any special font file, if used, should be sent along with the paper.

(8) The hard copy should be sent to The Director, ABILAC, Rajaduar, North Guwahati, Assam, pin- 781030


References/ Citation

All references and bibliographical details should be put in APA format.  Please maintain the following conventions for references and citations.

For Books

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (year). Title of book (2nd ed.). Publisher name. DOI


Burgess, R. (2019). Rethinking Global Health: Frameworks of Power. Routledge.

For Journal Articles:

Author, A. A. & Author, B. B. (year). Title: Subtitle.Journal Title, Volume (issue), p#.DOI.


McCauley, S. M., & Christiansen, M. H. (2019). Language Learning as Language Use: A Cross Linguistic Model of Child Language Development. Psychological Review, 126 (1), 1 15.

For Chapters/ Articles etc. in Edited Books

Author (Last name followed by first and separated by coma), (Year of Publication). Name of the Chapter/ Article, Name of the editor(s) (Eds.), Name of the Book, Pages, Press, place and country.


Cahill, M. (2014). Non Linguistic Factors in Orthogaphies. In M. Cahill, & K. Rice (Eds.), Developing Orthographies for Unwritten Languages (pp. 9-25). Dallas, USA.

For Materials Retrieved from Websites


Pytlyk, C. (2011). Shared Orthography: Do Shared Written Symbols Influence the Perception of L2 Sounds? The Modern Language Journal, 95(4), 541-557. Retrieved from

In-Text Citation

For in text citation the journal follows author date citation system.

For example: (Karas, 2020)


TITLECenter aligned, Bold and Title Case Heading, 14pt font sizeTHE RITUALS OF THE KARBIS
HEADING 1Flush left, Bold, 11 pt. font size, Text begins as a new paragraphIntroduction The Karbis were……..
HEADING 2Flush left, Bold , Title case Heading, 11 pt. font size, Text begins as a new paragraphDEMOGRAPHY The demography of the Karbis


Each paper should be accompanied with a self-declaration in a separate page. This page may comprise the following texts and duly signed by the author.

I hereby declare that my paper titled………… submitted for consideration to be published in the 13th volume of the Anandam Journal of Anundoram Borooah Institute of Language, Art and Culture, Assam is my original work. This paper has not been submitted elsewhere for publication and will not be submitted elsewhere until a decision is conveyed regarding non acceptance of the paper for publication in Anandam Journal of Anundoram Borooah Institute of Language, Art and Culture, Assam by its editorial board.  I shall remain solely responsible for the accuracy and originality of the facts and views published in this paper.

Date:                                                                                                    Signature of the author(s)


All the papers should be checked for plagiarism in Urkund and the report of the same should be sent along with the paper. Papers with no plagiarism or with acceptable level of plagiarism will be accepted for review. Papers having more than 10% of plagiarism will not be considered for publication.


Only submissions which are original unpublished work of the author will be considered for publication in the Journal after review. There will be a pre review of the submitted papers by the editorial team. Papers outside the scope of the journal as stated above or as stated in particular Call for Paper, will be rejected immediately after this pre-review process. It will be followed by a double-blind peer review of the selected papers. At the end of the review papers will be divided into the following categories.

1. Approved for publication   : Papers in this category will be published without needing any significant alterations.

2. Requires minor revision     : Papers in this category will be published with incorporation of minor changes and suggestions from the review committee.

3. Requires major revision      : Papers in this category will have to go through significant changes and modifications. These papers will be published only after incorporating the suggested revision by the review committee or by justifying denial to make the suggested changes by the author, subject to the satisfaction of the review committee.

4. Rejected                                : These papers will be summarily rejected on the basis of the comments of the review committee.


Submissions of all the papers will have to be done through the paper submission facility posted in our website Please click on the ‘Submission of Papers’ button under Journal section and you will be directed through the process.

Please note that no paper submitted through other means (emails, whatsapp or by hand) will be accepted for review.


The following documents are to be mandatorily submitted through the paper submission portal by the author.

1. Research paper along with abstract and keywords in MS Word

2. Research paper along with abstract and keywords in PDF format

3. Photographs (if any) should be attached as .jpeg format

4. Tables (if any) should be separately sent in pdf format

5. Plagiarism report

6. Author’s self-declaration as a separate document with the authors signature (photo/ scanned)

7. Submission fee


Authors will be required to deposit a non-refundable submission fee of Rs. 500/- at the time of submitting the paper. Authors whose papers will be finally selected after a rigorous review process to be published in the forthcoming volume, will be required to deposit a subscription fee of Rs. 4000/- only.

Important Points for Authors to keep in mind:

1. All the submissions of the paper will have to be done only through ABILAC website at

2. Authors will be intimated about the status of their respective papers by the editorial team at appropriate stages. Hence, no personal calls either to the editor or to the members of the editorial board will be entertained.

3. The editorial board will be the final authority for selection of any paper for publication.